Let me just start by saying that the definition we’ve assigned to Maryland rye whiskey…is flawed. I know, it’s not great to start off a post with such a contrarian […]
What Was the Gwynnbrook Distillery and Why Was It Important?
I’ve been wanting to write about Gwynnbrook for a long while. Unfortunately, Gwynnbrook isn’t a distillery name most whiskey enthusiasts are familiar with, but a distillery doesn’t have to be […]
An Argument To Rethink Something We Believe To Be True
“There were 6 distilleries licensed to manufacture medicinal whiskey during Prohibition.” If we’ve read it once, we’ve read it a thousand times. However, this statement is not true for a […]
Mount Vernon Rye Whiskeys- An Historic Tasting (1902-1947)
On November 23, 2024, at George Washington’s Mount Vernon Distillery in Alexandria, Virginia, an incredible lineup of historic bottlings of rye whiskeys were sampled. The focus was on antique expressions […]
Who was John E. Fitzgerald?
Who was JOHN E. FITZGERALD- the namesake for Old Fitzgerald Whiskey? SPOILER ALERT! He couldn’t be the guy we’ve been told he was! I’ve never understood why a successful businessman […]
Standards of Identity for Spirits…as of 1939.
The standards of identity were established in under the provisions of the Federal Alcohol Administration Act of 1935. Amendments to that act have been being made ever since. This iteration […]
A Simple Explanation of Grain Farming- Distiller’s Edition.
Every whiskey geek should know how grain is grown. Most don’t. Do you? It occurred to me that there are very few places where whiskey geeks can really learn about […]
The History of Schenley
The following is a series of 7 (long form) posts- all posted on Facebook between June 9th and 15th, 2024. Schenley. An Intro. Part 1 The most interesting part of […]
History of Carstairs Rye Whiskey – A Philadelphia Story.
Carstairs “White Seal” Blended Whiskey has become a bit of a sad, bottom shelf brand, but when people realize that it’s a whiskey with a bourbon base made by Barton […]
An Investigation Into Seton Porter, an American Whiskey Icon. (3 Parts)
Influential Men in Whiskey- Seton Porter (Intro) Seton Porter is one of those iconic figures that can not be ignored in American whiskey history. He was so influential that it’s […]