So what is sour mash whiskey anyway? The term sour mash gets thrown around a lot, but it’s really just a technique used in making whiskey. It is not particular […]
What Are Congeners?
What the heck is a congener? The easy answer is that they are the flavor bits that yeast leaves behind after “digesting” sugar during fermentation. Yeasts are the wonderful little […]
Mummers and the New Year
Happy New Year! This morning, Philadelphians are watching the Mummers make their way through the streets. “Mumming” is as old as Philadelphia (and much older) but the first city sponsored […]
“Tennessee Whiskey”
I heard a song this morning called “Tennessee Whiskey”. The artist’s name is Chris Stapleton. He records out of Nashville, Tennessee. (Makes sense…) Nashville is home to two of Corsair’s […]
Texas and Its Whiskey
Yesterday, Dec 29th 1845, Texas became the 28th state in the union. Texan citizens have always been fiercely loyal to their state and to the products produced there. There are now about […]
Whiskey and the Season
Christmas may be over, but the season certainly isn’t! Christmas has certain flavors that most people can relate to. I’m sure you’ve heard someone say,” This tastes just like Christmas!” […]
Who Was Old Rip Van Winkle?
Who was Old Rip Van Winkle anyway? I mentioned in yesterday’s post that much of what we imagine to be old Christmas traditions were reimagined and made beautifully nostalgic by […]
Here We Come A-Wassailing!
I was singing a Christmas carol to myself and realized- Hey, this has whiskey in it! Or, at least, it CAN have whiskey in it… Here we come a-wassailing Among […]
Christmas with the Drop Kick Murphys
I love the Christmas season. I love the opportunity to share with the ones I love and pour a glass of good whiskey with my family. The carols and Christmas […]
Christmas Egg Nog
6 days until Christmas…Time to make the EGG NOG! Egg nog’s origins are a bit fuzzy. It may be that it originated in England, but many believe modern egg nog […]