The next few months of my summer will be spent touring Pennsylvanian distilleries. Pennsylvania is one of the fastest growing distilling states in the country, which is exciting for me. […]
Aren’t All Barrels Made From American White Oak?
Someone recently asked me, “Aren’t all barrels made from American white oak?” My answer was “No,” but the elaboration was probably a bit longer than he expected. Most of us […]
Learning From History
I strongly believe that those of us that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. That goes for ourselves and our nation. The only amendment to the Constitution […]
“Old Hickory” and “The Hickoryites”
Andrew Jackson was an interesting character. He was born to Scots-Irish immigrants (most likely landing first in Philadelphia) somewhere between the border of North and South Carolina in 1767. He […]
Is Beer More Varied Than Whiskey?
Last night I found myself in defense of whiskey! A conversation arose about how much variety exists in whiskey and someone said, ”Beer is much more varied than whiskey…” I […]
Booz and Booze
Where does the word “booze” come from? Let’s look at the hazy origins of the word and what a Philadelphia whiskey retailer may have had to do with “booze” becoming […]
Manatawny Still Works in Pottstown, PA
Whiskey distilleries tend to be nostalgic for good reason. So much of our national history coincides with that of American whiskey production in the United States. There is a great […]
Rowhouse Spirits in Philadelphia, PA
Tucked away in a corner of East Kensington in Philadelphia is Rowhouse Spirits. The small brick building that houses the distillery is located right in front of Philadelphia Brewing Company. […]
Bluebird Distilling in Phoenixville, PA
Bluebird Distilling opened its doors in 2015 in Phoenixville , Pa. The owner, Jared Adkins, had his work cut out for him refurbishing the old professional laundry warehouse that his […]
County Seat Spirits in Allentown, PA
Allentown, Pennsylvania is home to County Seat Spirits. Anthony Brichta, a native of Allentown, (which is the county seat of Lehigh County) began the business in the autumn of 2014 […]